Beach Worship exists to create engaging environments where people can encounter Jesus.

We invite you to come worship with us Sunday mornings at 9am or 11am in Jax Beach! Here’s what you can expect: friendly faces to welcome you on campus, engaging worship music, and a relevant message about Jesus.

If you’d like to join us for worship, but you’re not local to Jax Beach, come and join us for worship online! Join us 10 minutes before the message begins for an engaging preservice! You’ll then be able to engage in the same worship music and relevant message that our Jax Beach Campus enjoys, only you will be able to do it from anywhere.

We believe worship is a powerful tool to engage with God at church, at home, and everywhere in between. Worship goes far beyond the walls of a Sunday morning at church; you have the ability to create an atmosphere of worship everywhere you go! Be sure to check out our Worship Resources here to learn more.

last sunday’s worship service

March 16, 2025

beach church on demand

We understand there are certain weeks where you may be unable to join us on Sunday mornings. That’s why we’re excited to host Beach Church On Demand! Check out our previous worship services below and feel free to worship at a time that best fits your schedule.

Gospel Movement Beyond the Walls of a Church


Don’t Hate The Wait

The Ancient Fulfillment of Jesus’ Birth

Impacting Our Community With Jesus’ Light

Celebration Sunday

The Good News Hits the Road

Spiritual Fathers

The Holy Spirit Continuing God’s Work

Investing in the Next Generation

Mother’s Day 2024

The Hope in His Resurrection

Reflecting on Jesus’ Sacrifice

2024 Vision Sunday

Special New Year’s Eve Message

The Sacrifice, The Presence, The Promise

Practically Reach Others for Jesus

Emotionally Healthy Discipleship

Doing Relationships God’s Way

Transforming Humility

Learning From The Experts

Journeying through the Scriptures: Jonah and James

Student Sunday

Hearing from the experts!

Hearing from the experts!

Being the hands and feet of Jesus in the world

Hope found in the resurrection of the Savior

God’s love for humanity

Reach, Raise Up, and Release followers of Jesus who change the world

Finding freedom through surrender

Uncovering biblical truths from the greatest teacher who ever lived

Finding peace in Jesus this Christmas season

Making heroes who reach people for Jesus

First Step, Worship, Community, Serving, Generosity

Sowing generously into a relationship with Jesus

Journeying through the Scriptures, leaning into God’s Word

Building a solid foundation of our faith


Approaching evangelism with a sense of urgency

Seeing sex as God intended


Experience a spiritual awakening!

Trusting God in Every Aspect of Life

Disciples Making Disciples

Disciples Making Disciples

Live a life with the breath of God.

Live a life with the breath of God.

Join us as we explore some of the essentials of our faith journey.

Join us as we explore some of the essentials of our faith journey.

Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control

Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control

Pray. Invest. Invite. Repeat.

Pray. Invest. Invite. Repeat.

What’s on the throne of your life?

What’s on the throne of your life?

Exploring the attributes of God through the lens of Jesus to find that He is the Beautiful One.

Exploring the attributes of God through the lens of Jesus to find that He is the Beautiful One.

Let’s celebrate Easter + Palm Sunday together!

Let’s celebrate Easter + Palm Sunday together!

What did Jesus do during his last days on Earth?

What did Jesus do during his last days on Earth?

Sitting at the feet of the ultimate master: Jesus.

Sitting at the feet of the ultimate master: Jesus.

Join us as we explore some of the essentials of our faith journey.

Join us as we explore some of the essentials of our faith journey.

Looking to Jesus as the way ahead.

Looking to Jesus as the way ahead.

Trusting God through fasting.

Trusting God through fasting.

Is God calling you to step out of the boat and onto the water?

Is God calling you to step out of the boat and onto the water?

Celebrate Christmas Eve and the birth of our King!

Celebrate Christmas Eve and the birth of our King!

Living with boldness in light of the Christmas story.

Living with boldness in light of the Christmas story.

How the life of King David points us to Jesus.

How the life of King David points us to Jesus.

Where is God calling our church to next as we seek after Jesus?

Where is God calling our church to next as we seek after Jesus?

How to move forward with our eyes on Jesus in uncertain times.

How to move forward with our eyes on Jesus in uncertain times.

In the midst of unprecedented times, we ask, What Now?

In the midst of unprecedented times, we ask, What Now?

Let’s reset our lives through Jesus.

Let’s reset our lives through Jesus.

Despite the chaos, we can find peace in Jesus.

Despite the chaos, we can find peace in Jesus.

Let’s celebrate our risen King, Jesus!

Let’s celebrate our risen King, Jesus!

Understanding our identity in light of Jesus.

Understanding our identity in light of Jesus.

Who is Jesus? Did he really exist? Does he really matter?

Who is Jesus? Did he really exist? Does he really matter?

Let’s celebrate the birth of our King, Jesus!

Let’s celebrate the birth of our King, Jesus!

The ultimate invitation: becoming part of God’s family.

The ultimate invitation: becoming part of God’s family.

Who is your ONE that you want to come to know Jesus?

Who is your ONE that you want to come to know Jesus?

Don’t let your emotions boss you around.

Don’t let your emotions boss you around.

Praying God’s promises over our lives.

Praying God’s promises over our lives.

Discover God’s vision for Beach Church and your role in it.

Discover God’s vision for Beach Church and your role in it.

We believe we’re better together in community!

We believe we’re better together in community!

Let’s look for God in the movies, as all stories point to Jesus’ story.

Let’s look for God in the movies, as all stories point to Jesus’ story.

We all have roles in God’s bigger story.

We all have roles in God’s bigger story.

Diving into God’s Word and letters from a Roman jail.

Diving into God’s Word and letters from a Roman jail.

Celebrating that Jesus is alive!

Celebrating that Jesus is alive!

Exploring the Bible and its truth for our lives.

Exploring the Bible and its truth for our lives.

Exploring how decisions we make today affect our future.

Exploring how decisions we make today affect our future.

Celebrating the birth of our King!

Celebrating the birth of our King!

Unwrapping the gift of God’s grace this Christmas.

Unwrapping the gift of God’s grace this Christmas.

Find out what God has NEXT for Beach Church and for you!

Find out what God has NEXT for Beach Church and for you!

Leaning into what the Bible has to say about relationships.

Leaning into what the Bible has to say about relationships.

Continuing to learn how to be for our neighbors and #forthebeaches

Continuing to learn how to be for our neighbors and #forthebeaches

Come experience the wonder of worship with Jesus.

Come experience the wonder of worship with Jesus.

What God has to say through stories in the Bible.

What God has to say through stories in the Bible.

Growing our faith through 5 Pursuits.

Growing our faith through 5 Pursuits.

Living in relationship with one another despite a divided world.

Living in relationship with one another despite a divided world.

Who is the Holy Spirit and how can I know Him?

Who is the Holy Spirit and how can I know Him?

Simplifying our lives to focus on Jesus.

Simplifying our lives to focus on Jesus.

Making the most of every moment this Christmas.

Making the most of every moment this Christmas.

Becoming part of God’s Kingdom here on earth.

Becoming part of God’s Kingdom here on earth.

What it means to be for our neighbors and #forthebeaches

What it means to be for our neighbors and #forthebeaches

Addressing skepticism around the Bible.

Addressing skepticism around the Bible.

How God took ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

How God took ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

Where do we need to set up guardrails in our lives?

Where do we need to set up guardrails in our lives?

How God can make the impossible possible.

How God can make the impossible possible.

Who is your ONE that you want to come to know Jesus?

Who is your ONE that you want to come to know Jesus?

Discover what God has for our church and our community.

Discover what God has for our church and our community.

What life looks like before and after Jesus.

What life looks like before and after Jesus.

A journey to significance.

A journey to significance.